Physical Education (PE)
At Meadowcroft, every child has an equal opportunity to experience a variety of physical activities, through an equal balance of gymnastics, games and dance.
In every lesson the children learn the importance of warming up and cooling down properly before and after all physical activity.
Through all three areas of PE, all skills are taught progressively and are built on steadily, from the beginning of reception to the end of year two at Meadowcroft.
Gymnastics develops an awareness and understanding of the movements of the body, particularly the use of space, time and energy. It develops physical skill and confidence in movement, with and without apparatus. These skills include: travelling; stretching; curling; weight bearing; bouncing; jumping; landing; spinning; turning; twisting; linking movements together.
Games provide the development of motor skills and physical dexterity. These skills include: rolling, throwing, catching, dribbling and bouncing large and small balls (with two hands/feet, then one hand/foot); using bean bags, quoits and hoops; striking with a bat; aiming; skipping (physically and with a rope); working individually, with a partner, in small and large teams; following rules of games.
Dance encourages physical and imaginative movement. The principles of movement are: what the body is doing; how the body is moving; where the movements are going to be performed; with whom/what will the action be performed. This involves six categories of body action: travelling and transferring weight; jumping; turning; being still; making a shape; gesture. All lessons involve the National Curriculum aspects of dance: creating; performing; viewing.